92.S02 Source for Masquerade of the Military Industrial Complex Looking Down on the Insect World
Source for Masquerade of the Military Industrial Complex Looking Down on the Insect World, 1992. Collage and mixed media on plywood, with adventitious marks. 16 1/4" x 41 7/8" (41.3 x 106.4 cm). Private Collection.
Masquerade of the Military Industrial Complex Looking Down on the Insect World, 1992. Oil and acrylic on shaped canvas, with metal screen, pencils, clock hands, and battery-powered clock mechanism. 7' 6" x 29' 2" (228.6 x 889.0 cm) [90" x 350"]. The Detroit Institute of Arts, Founders Society Purchase, gift of Mrs. George Kamperman, by exchange [1993.62].
Artist studio registration # 92.22